Wife and Momma, Be Angry and Do Not Sin

I remember the day I prayed for my marriage almost every hour on the hour. My knees were bent—not by some impulse to intercede for my husband but—by the weight of my anger against him.

He had offended and left me feeling dishonored. From my perspective, the situation demanded nothing but pure justice. So I delivered my argument with, what I called, “righteous anger.” He listened, he conceded, he confessed his sin, he apologized, he prayed. And still, my blood boiled.

My just indignation had morphed into something that threatened to swallow me whole. The case wasn’t as pure as I presented it. My motives were mixed. Yes, I wanted to see my husband repent—but I also wanted revenge, and my artillery was anger.

I prayed hourly that day because I had but two choices: give into the fury and drown, or swim through it by prayer.

Our household interactions can spark strong emotions and anger is high on the list. Whether it’s a disinterested husband or a defiant child, living with other sinners proves the old axiom: “those we love the most, we hurt the most.” We respond heatedly to the offenses of our family members, and Christian wives and mommas are not exempt from these outbursts. So what should we do in those moments? How can a Christian wife and mother be angry without sinning?

Let’s begin by praising God for his word and its warning against sinful anger that crouches at the doors of our hearts. The next time this rage seeks to drag me away, I hope to pray at least two truths.

Continue at Risen Motherhood.