
Prayer and the Fellowship of Believers- Lessons from a Widow and Her Oil

Prayer and the Fellowship of Believers- Lessons from a Widow and Her Oil

The widow had nothing but a single jar of oil. Elisha tells her to borrow many vessels from her neighbors. Her jar of oil would miraculously multiply as she poured it into each vessel. God’s means of provision for this woman sends her to many doors on that day—the more she knocked on, the more vessels she would receive. The more vessels she borrowed, the more oil she would have for her son’s freedom and for their livelihood (2 Kings 4: 2-7).

Rizpah: We Look to a Greater King on a Higher Throne

Rizpah: We Look to a Greater King on a Higher Throne

Rizpah, Saul’s concubine, is mentioned within a larger drama involving powerful kings, a broken oath, famine, execution by hanging, and propitiatory justice. In short, the plotline is intense. The story is found near the end of the book of 2 Samuel and it’s darker than any fictional folklore the Grimm brothers could have produced. Rizpah held a lengthy vigil over the dead bodies of her sons and her actions moved the mercy of the king of Israel—and the King of Heaven.

Parental Failures and the Gospel

Parental Failures and the Gospel

I'm thankful to the Reformed African American Network for their re-post of my 2014 article, Parental Failures and the Gospel. The beginning paragraphs follow and the full post can be found here. Always grateful for your read!

I could begin this post with countless descriptions of my parental failures. Moments when anger got the best of me; times when a little patience would have made all the difference; or just plain insecurities in making the right decisions for my children at every moment and at every stage of their development.

You might agree that feelings of inadequacy are common to parents; whether relatively new like me or seasoned with experience, we feel the weight of the responsibility and the immensity of the task. But in some ways, feelings of inadequacy can be a blessing!

A Mother's High Calling

My church selected three women to answer three questions this past Mother's Day. The questions follow below and my answers are heard in the video above. Motherhood is a high and blessed calling. May the LORD give you the grace to glorify Him in that role!

1) What do you love most about being a mother?

2) In what ways has your own mother influenced your mothering?

3) Why is the role of a mother so important?

Jochebed & the Pattern of God's Salvation

Jochebed & the Pattern of God's Salvation

Pharaoh’s fatal law must have arrived sometime after the birth of Aaron since he was alive and didn’t appear to be in danger of the edict. Unfortunately for Jochebed, her third pregnancy collided with the crisis of the decree. The king’s war against a nation found its target in her womb. But this mother would remember God’s former work of salvation.

If Steve Jobs Limited Screen Time for His Kids, Why don't I?

If Steve Jobs Limited Screen Time for His Kids, Why don't I?

We know well the dangers of careless technology usage. I don’t need to over-stress the possible addiction to devices, exposure to pornography, and just wasted time and missed opportunities for family engagement. These are perilous times for children and parents. God forbid then that we impulsively treat our devices as “go-to babysitters” when pressured for time.

The Incest of Lot & his Daughters: Culture as a Schoolmaster

The Incest of Lot & his Daughters: Culture as a Schoolmaster

There is a subtle voice in our culture that tells parents not to press children too hard in any belief system. “It’s best that they choose for themselves,” this worldview says. The advice is given while culture itself remains busy in the evangelization of young hearts and minds.

Warning to Self: Don’t Make your Child your Idol

Warning to Self: Don’t Make your Child your Idol

I love my children easily and naturally and of course there is nothing wrong with that. But I also have a heart that is desperately idolatrous and prone to leave the God I love. Whenever I place my full satisfaction in something created, whenever I wholly delight my mind in something made, whenever I wrap my value and identity in someone or something apart from Christ, I have molded an idol.  And sadly, these self-made gods are easily made; evidence of the residual effects of sin that dwell even in the justified heart (Romans 7:14-25).

Parental Failures and the Gospel

Parental Failures and the Gospel

I often feel inadequate as a parent and I thank God for it!  For it drives me to lower my head, bend my knees and seek His perfect strength in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). The blessing is not in the weakness or inadequacy itself but in the humility it offers that draws me nearer to God for help--which then increases my dependence and confidence in the One who  works in me, both to will and to work for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow!

I've Decided to Choose my Kids over Facebook

I've Decided to Choose my Kids over Facebook

I have decided to choose my kids over Facebook. In reality the choice isn't just about Facebook but the many trivial distractions that take my focus away from my children. Picture the scene for a moment – it might be familiar to you – I’m sitting in the playroom of our home, my soon-to-be three-year-old is playing with her kitchen set and my seven-month-old is chewing on some toy nearby.  I’m physically present with them but my attention is given to the 12 inch computer screen in front of me.

Teach Them When You Sit

Teach Them When You Sit

I love the book of Deuteronomy. Not necessarily for its copious detail but for the concept behind the book. Deuteronomy is essentially one big study hall. Moses is the teacher and the children of Israel are the students. The wilderness east of the Jordan River is their classroom. And there they assemble to review God’s expectation of them before conquering the Promised Land.

God's Love is Greater than a Mother's

God's Love is Greater than a Mother's

My expression of love for my daughter – while there might be some parallel – is minuscule when compared with God’s love for His children. The scale is simply not the same. As much as I love my daughter, I fail, I tire, and I even give up. But God is God! He never sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121:4) nor lacks for anything. He is perfect in His power and perfect in His love for and commitment to His own. Psalm 103:11 states: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him.