God's Love

The Greatest Adoption Story Ever Told

The Greatest Adoption Story Ever Told

There is a story told of a man whose teenage son was brutally murdered by another boy – a member of a gang. Unfortunately, this part of the story is nothing new, a gang related shooting is no surprise to the ear. What happens next however will not only stun the ear but also blow the mind! The father of the murdered boy pays the associated fees of the case and adopts his son’s killer as his own! Kirk Cameron, in the Biggest Question, recounts the tale here as he describes a meeting with this father and his adopted son!

God's Love is Greater than a Mother's

God's Love is Greater than a Mother's

My expression of love for my daughter – while there might be some parallel – is minuscule when compared with God’s love for His children. The scale is simply not the same. As much as I love my daughter, I fail, I tire, and I even give up. But God is God! He never sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121:4) nor lacks for anything. He is perfect in His power and perfect in His love for and commitment to His own. Psalm 103:11 states: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him.